Wednesday, January 3, 2024

30 Years

I cannot believe that today marks three decades since my father passed away. His memory and legacy continue to live on. My wife told me that we will always keep his spirit alive by telling Ava what an amazing person he was, and I plan to do just that.

Today we all went to go visit him in the cemetery. It was a cloudy gray day, but while we were there a ray of sunshine lit up his tombstone.

I will always miss my father and appreciate all of the memories I still have of him.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

29 Years

It's been a crazy 2022! We ended last year on a high note with a public announcement that we're having a baby. The "babymoon" photo on the right has special significance since Waikiki was where Kalina and I went on our first trip together. It's also where my parents went on their Honeymoon and it's the only place outside the continent (besides Portugal) that I remember taking family trips to as a child.

Today was a bit sad realizing that my father will never get to meet his granddaughter in person, but I know he will always be watching over her!

Monday, January 3, 2022

28 Years

This year I'd like to share a photo of my father as a teacher at Anne Darling Elementary in San Jose. He mostly taught 4th and 5th grade and was well-liked by his students. He'll always be missed!

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Happy Birthday Dad!

I love you and miss you. I'm sure you would have loved this Red Velvet cake Kalina got to celebrate your 79th Birthday!

Sunday, January 3, 2021

27 Years

2020 was another challenging year, but the silver lining is that 2021 is likely to be far better.

My parents were married at Five Wounds in San Jose (where I was baptized on the same day, a story for another time). In honor of my father's passing, I watched the Five Wounds mass today celebrated by Fr. António Silveira. I was very happy to hear my father's name a couple of times during the service--which you can watch over here.

Dad, I miss you and thank you for watching over mom and I during 2020.